Friday, February 22, 2008

Understanding the Skype Menus

Just as Skype is a breeze to install, Skype is equally easy to navigate and use. The Skype menus make doing essential tasks simple. Here’s a quick summary before we get into the details: On the File menu, you establish your online presence, profile, and account information. The View menu enables you to control which elements you want visible in your main Skype window. On the Contacts menu, you manage the list of all your Skype buddies.

Use the Tools menu to make conference calls, use SkypeOut, set up SkypeIn, send SMS messages, and open previous chats. The Tools menu also enables you to configure your Skype Options, or various settings. You use the Call menu to manage your calls. Finally, the Help menu assists you in finding specific information concerning setup information, checking for updates, and buying Skype credit. Read on for details of each Skype menu.

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